Hi, my name is Noah Abner Clark. During my 20-week ultrasound, I was diagnosed with a severe right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Essentially, my diaphragm failed to fully form, and thus, many of my abdominal organs (namely my liver), herniated into my chest which in turn inhibited the growth of my emergent lungs. The average survival-rate for babies specifically like me is around 50%--a proverbial coin toss. My mom and dad thought that perhaps in-utero surgery would be best, but they ultimately decided that for my case, surgery after my birth would give me even a better chance to survive.

In order to find the finest care, my parents consulted with or actually visited many far-away places, including San Francisco, Houston, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, and Seattle. Ultimately, however, we decided to travel 3500 miles from home so that I could be born and live at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in sunny St. Petersburg FL. My doctor is Dr. David Kays and my nurse is Joy Perkins. You should pray for them.

My road will be long, one potentially wrought with many setbacks and "close-calls." I'll do my best, but I would appreciate some much-needed help. So if you would, pray for me. And if I don't make it, still know that it is "well with my soul."

Sincerely, your pal,

P.S. You can learn more about what I'll be experiencing if you watch "Adam's Story"--a video my folks found while surfing the web. Right-click HERE.
P.S.S. Check back regularly to see my blog updates.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

NOV 12, 2016--Graduation Day

Good Morning to all of my friends! Today is my 23rd day of life, a day for which I am very grateful. Do you want to know why? Because it is the day that Dr. Kays finally told my mom and my dad that I will most assuredly survive! Even though I have put on a "good face," there were some not-so-fun times, and a couple of "white knuckle" moments. But I did my best; Dr. Kays did his best; my nurses did their best; and you prayed your best.
Because I can now look forward to enjoying a future with my mom and my dad, my siblings, and all of my friends, I am inspired to work even harder. If I keep it up, I may set the record for the fastest-improved right-sided CDH baby to have ever been under the care of Dr. Kays. 'Phase One,' as Dr. Kays likes to call it, is over--that phase required that I simply survive. I have now graduated to 'Phase Two:' learning how to thrive. That means that respiratory training and eating without throwing up are on the agenda. And if all goes well, I may have to move out of my hospital in as soon as three weeks!!!
For those unfamiliar with the grave nature of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, this is truly a big day. Although my progress may have looked effortless and easy, at least one-half of babies like me eventually die. However, because of my most favortist doctor, Dr. Kays, and my most favortist nurses, and my most favortist hospital, and my most favortist friends, I will live to my 24th day and beyond.
Notwithstanding today's good news, I would like all of you to know, that had things turned out differently, I would still be extraordinarily grateful for all of your effort, your prayer, and your support. I do hope that I can be as good a friend to you as you have been to me.
Some day, I hope to meet every single one of you. "May the Lord bless you and keep you; May the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Your Pal, Noah Abner.

P.S. I will continue to blog my adventure until the day that I am released from the hospital. Stay tuned!


Kathy Fedor said...

Thanks be to God, such wonderful news. Keep fighting to grow strong in phase two as we continue to pray for you, your family, and your doctor and nurses. Hugs to all if you.

Unknown said...

yay that is such good news Shannon! --Lisa

Anonymous said...

I can't think of a better way to start our day than reading your blog today Noah! You and your CDH journey have been inspiring. God has truly laid his healing hands upon you and we have been blessed to watch God at work through your family, Dr. Kays, and your nurses. You keep doing what you do best, fighting to grow strong and we will keep praying. Thank you Noah for being so brave and sharing your story. Today is like your second birthday! Sending you love and prayers...The Liggett Family

Debi Vinnedge said...

Awww Noah that is such good news! All the thousands of prayers being poured out for you daily are being answered! I am so proud of you! Every day you have grown stronger and stronger - keep it up! As for throwing up, well babies do that a lot so I am not too worried - you will learn to like hospital food for awhile longer - but not too long! Someday I will have to have a pizza with you! Prayers continue...love you little tiger!

Unknown said...

Noah and family, this is truly wonderful news. Congratulations for reaching this marvelous milestone.
Keeping you all in my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Noah - this is great news!! We are praising and thanking God for His healing hand, Dr. Kays and your many nurses. I'm thinking you're looking at your mama in this picture. We're praying for an appetite and lots of eating. You know, Thanksgiving will be here shortly! We all have a lot to be thankful for! You are a darling little boy!

P.S. Noah, as I was driving home praying fo you on Tuesday, I came to the top of a hill. The sky was a beautiful blue with a solid white cloud band right in front of me. Right in the middle of the band was an outstretched arm with fingers and I felt God say "I've got him in the palm of my hand." It was calming and powerful. I love it when God writes on the sky for us.

Chee Tan said...

That's wonderful news Shannon. God has been so gracious.

Unknown said...

What a blessing to hear that news this morning! God must have a special plan for you, Noah. I am thrilled that we will get to see it unfold. Hugs and kisses....

Unknown said...

This is the best news! Sending you love and prayers!!

Unknown said...

Dear Noah, I am so excited to read your news! Praise God, and thankful for amazing medical team, and also grateful for your fighting spirit. You are a little warrior. I'm also very thankful for your mom and dad who moved all the way across the nation to get the very best care for you. They love you SO MUCH. We've been praying for you on this side of the nation, the Pacific NW. I'm looking forward to meeting you and seeing your little miracle body first hand. Keep getting strong and making gains- you're doing great! Love, Pastor Kurt

Anonymous said...

Praise God for this wonderful news! Shannon and Daniel....big hugs to you both. Thanks for blogging his sweet progress, too. I'm so excited for you all!
Sue Fisher

Patrick said...

Wonderful news Noah! We are so happy for you, for your parents and your siblings and everybody else who is dear to you and loves you.

Anonymous said...

Donna said... Wonderful, amazing and fantastic - all in one! I am so happy I can't put it in to words. Hopefully I will meet you and your gorgeous family soon!!! D x

Unknown said...

Tears of joy fill our eyes with your progress. Now... we can't wait for the day to meet you in person. Kudos to all involved! Keep up the good work and we will keep praying for you to break records with your progress.
Love you sooo much!! Aunt Snookie & Uncle Grant

Unknown said...

What wonderful news! I am so grateful that I will get to meet you! What a relief it is to all of us back here at home, and to all of your other family and other friends!! I cannot imagine what a relief it is to your parents... Good for you Noah! Continue to take care of yourself and your breathing and eating! We are still praying for you!

vickielu said...

That face! That perfect little beautiful face!

Tommy said...

What amazing news to start any day Noah. What a milestone to move onto "phase two". Keep up the fight little man......you really are a fighter and a trooper.

Mammawinansetc. said...

Yay Noah!! So, so happy that you have completed Phase 1, and will continue to lift you up in prayer through Phase 2.

Rebeckah Winans

Natalie said...

God is so good! Still praying for continual growth! We miss you guys here! Love, the Hofford family
PS. From Natalie: please give Mckenna and Johanna and Lincoln big hugs from me! I miss you guys! <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Noah, I just spoke with your great grandpa and he let me know how you were progressing. Sending prayers for God's blessings for continued progress.

Your cousin Connie in Arizona